Steps 4 Life has a program called God Beds subsidizes the rent for homeless families that need a safe place to live and rebuild their lives. We are launching a fund raising campaign to allow Steps 4 Life to support more of these families in need. Here is a quote from
"Cynthia McGuigan, virtually runs Steps 4 Life by herself. She is 99% of the effort working tirelessly, 365 days a year, most of those days without pay. Having been homeless with her child, she knows how hard it is to rebound and to keep your child safe and thriving. Steps 4 Life is a struggling non-profit that has 5 homes and a total of 42 beds and is one of only a handful of places that will take not only women with children but also men with children. Cynthia takes broken lives and mends them."
If you are able to help out then please visit our God Beds for Homeless Families fund raising campaign.